Revealed: Topical Magnesium Oil
Magnesium is needed by more than three hundred enzymes in the body.
Topical magnesium helps raise Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, which ultimately helps to keep you lean and
your mojo going.

Magnesium Oil Ormus Minerals PURE Magnesium Oil with
Distilled Water, Pure Magnesium Oil, Ormus Dew
8 Oounces

16 ounces
32 ounces
If you are deficient in magnesium, you may be impairing your ability to synthesize DHEA in the body.
Either way, both are deleted by stress, yet both help manage stress.
Magnesium deficiency is common in patients with diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart arrhythmias, mitral valve
prolapse, heart attacks, and asthma.
To optimize your magnesium levels on a daily basis, here is what you need to do each evening:
Take a magnesium mixture at bedtime: combine glycinate, orotate, taurate, and fumarate for a total of 400 mg
Do not worry: this will not cause diarrhea.
Instead, it will be absorbed by the muscles, gut and brain.
Soak in a warm bath sprinkled with 2 to 4 cups/500 to 1,000 mg Epsom salts.
Soak for at least 15 minutes to let the magnesium absorb into your skin.
Rub two pumps of topical magnesium cream behind each knee, where it is quickly absorbed.
You can rub it into the soles of your feet, too.
Topical magnesium is a great way to administer magnesium to kids, who are often deficient in magnesium due to high
stress and high-sugar diets.
Magnesium should be used for people with high blood pressure, diabetes, constipation, ADD (magnesium calms the
nervous system), insomnia, restless leg syndrome and leg cramps, and menstrual cramps (magnesium is a muscle
It can even be used as an occasional hangover remedy (since excess alcohol consumption leads to magnesium
It is safe for both adults and children (start with topical use or an Epsom salts bath for children).
Using it both topically and orally ensures optimal absorption without any digestive side effects.
Magnesium oil, in the same form as that contained in seawater, is the one that is most easily assimilated into the
human body.
However, magnesium in this form is found in very few supplements that are available in the market.
Therefore, the best way to introduce magnesium into the body is through the skin, instead of just orally.
This is the reason that topical magnesium is variously referred to as transdermal magnesium therapy.
Chronic degenerative conditions arising due to magnesium deficiencies are best dealt with by applying the magnesium
on to the body transdermally.
This can be done either by soaking one's feet in water that has magnesium oil added to it or by spraying it on to
the skin's surface.
In conclusion, most of the most important reactions that occur in our bodies are backed by magnesium.
When magnesium is in short supply, these vital functions cannot take place optimally.
It is thus paramount that replenishment should occur in a manner that ensures magnesium is absorbed into the body
at a much faster rate than what normal nutritional supplements offer.
Caution, however, has to be observed so as not to cause diarrhea as huge doses of magnesium supplements so often
tend to do.
This is the rationale behind topical magnesium.
Ormus Minerals Magnesium Oil